About the project

Project StarFall is the very first project that I worked on in a professional work enviroment as part of a hybrid learning program from the MediaCollege. This was a very informative experience where I have learned a lot. It feels like I am ready for what's to come at an internship. Excuse me for this messy project page! I'm working on making my portfolio cleaner and more clearer.

My Part In The Project

  • Movement(Walk & Jump)
  • Gun Shooting
  • Cinemachine Camera, Interesting Point Zoom
  • Item Pickup
  • Enemy Pathfinding & StateMachine
  • Early In-game screenshot


    A storyboard of the tutorial that i wrote the code for


    The player can pick up coins

    Extra Info


  • Unity - Version 2019.2.15f1
  • C#

  • Enemy PathFinding

    The enemy has several states: Patrol, Follow and Explode in range


    The player can Jump and Move left and right

    Gun Shooting

    The player can shoot a laser gun